Bigfoot Noises near Marlow, Oklahoma


Was 1:30 am and heard like howling type sounds with a very aggressive roaring right afterwards repetitively and started southwest of my house and seemed to to be moving , something big never seen it just heard it. This went on for maybe an hour just until it was so faint I couldn’t hear it anymore. I did get some recording of it but very faint. It was calm out no wind so sound carries very well where I am. Just stepped out on the front porch that faces the east and the first time I heard it sounded pretty close to the south west, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and my dog stopped what she was doing to look the two in the back yard were also quiet like they were scared of something and they aren’t scared of anything! There was no sound other than what ever that was, but once it started moving farther away the toads and the whipper-will started making noise so I don’t doubt there was something out there in the darkness