Bigfoot Noises near Carter, Wisconsin


Went camping up by Quartz Hill, seeking a bit of adventure and solitude. was enjoying the campfire until I heard this weird, spooky sound. It was like a low, guttural howl, totally out of place in the quiet woods.

Tried to go see what it was and cautiously made my way through the dark. The sound kept coming, closer each time, thought my heart would pound out of my chest. I followed it, all senses on high alert, until I stumbled upon a clearing. The noise was coming from the clearing.

When I flashed my light in the direction of the noise, it stopped. Was too dark to see anything, but I heard movement through the woods away from me. I headed back to my campsite, terrified. A little later, I heard a few more howls, but this time they sounded farther away.

Didn’t sleep much that night.