Bigfoot scream/ growl/ howl near Mountainburg, Arkansas


We have an old rundown cabin out in the middle of nowhere. Me and a friend pulled up about twenty five yards from the house at about eleven o’clock at night. We stepped outside the car, it was a clear quiet night when all the sudden something at the corner of the house facing us let out a blood curdling howl/scream.

My buddy freaked out and was scared shitless, mind you he’s a big ole boy and I’ve seen him in a fight with two guys and they stabbed him with a screwdriver in his liver and he still wouped both of them. He hurried back in the car and rolled up the windows and was screaming for me to get back in.

It was so dark you couldn’t see anything so I got back in and took off. I’ve hunted my whole life and I’ve never heard anything like this in my life. I’ve not been back to the cabin or the surrounding area since. It was a long howl scream like holler and real gutteral and long howl. I’ve heard of the Ozark howler and believe this is also bigfoot.

The place it was in is out of the way and probably not accessed by people in years. Where it was at there’s an old unused septic tank that’s never been used that had the cover busted out of it so it holds rainwater. It could have been using that as a water source cause it’s real dry by September in mountainburg. Damnedest thing I’ve ever heard.

I also myself and my girlfriend witnessed a triangular UFO hovering ten feet off the ground next to a water tower about two months later in the middle of the night. We seen it for about fifteen seconds before it flew off into the stars, completely silent. Three lights at each corner.

I think about these two sighting everyday and have learned not to talk about it cause people think I’m full of shit but I’m here to tell ya, I seen what I seen and heard what I heard if you dismiss it as bullshit believe me it’s not I was in the military for fifteen years on a fighter wing base and we Don’t have anything capable of what I seen. Thanks for reading.