Bigfoot Sighting near Berryman, Missouri

I went to Berryman Missouri area for a turkey hunting trip. The property is off Hwy Z before you get to the old town of Huzzah. As I got to the private property, I was going to hunt on I noticed I was a little early to head out into the woods. I turned my cab light on and rustled around in my stuff to make sure I had a flashlight, shells, snacks and a water. I kept hearing some huffing noises and grunts, but I wasn't really paying attention. Then I started to think what is that noise. I turned the cab light off and looked out as best I could, but it was still too dark to see anything. So I grabbed my flashlight and shone it around. About 40- 50yds away I see red eyes. I also hear the huffing and grunting. I try to contain myself, but I know exactly what is looking back at me. Where it is standing the ground slopes away. I figure the height of this thing to be about 7 1/2 foot tall. I turned the light off and hoped it wouldn't come towards me. I heard it moving but i never shown the light again. As it started to finally get light enough to go out and hunt. I decided to stay in the truck. I asked my friends that own the property if they had ever seen or heard anything strange. they said they had a mountain lion once and had someone/something walk around the cabin a few different times. I have been back to their property several more times to visit them. I never get there before daylight, and I have never hunted there again.

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