Bigfoot Sighting near Between Sault Ste Marie and Wawa. Ontario, Canada, Hawaii

You should include a map of Canada…. my sighting was in Ontario Canada.

I signed up for a BFRO expedition, led by O’Niel Das Gupta in Sept 2009. We (5 of us) got there a day early to scope out the area etc. Everyone stayed at Lake Superior Provincial campground for the expedition. There was no firewood, so I jumped in the car and went up the hiway to buy wood at a gas station. It was a sunny day, sun was still up, it was 6:30 or 7:00 pm, perfect visibility. On my way there, I saw a guy standing on the side of the hiway about 500 yards ahead. No car, nothing around for miles, Lake Superior to my left, forest for hundreds of miles to my right. I thought it was odd to see someone just standing there in the middle of nowhere. As I approached, he started walking across the road from right to left, and he looked naked. No shoes, no pant legs or cuffs no shirt lines, sleeves… all evenly colored reddish/brown head to toe… no hairline. I actually thought it was a naked black man having fun in the wilderness. As I got closer, his walk was weird, kind of gliding smoothly, and he never turned his head to look at me, just looked straight ahead. In my car, I reached him just as he finished crossing, and went down the small embankment of the hiway. His first step was a long step down, and he raised both elbows, which made tufts of hair on his shoulders flap…. then I saw longer wispy hairs hanging from his forearm… it felt like a dream sequence to me. I still had the idea of a naked black man, but my brain wasn’t processing it. I then realized it was a sasquatch. He, I say ‘he’ because it just looked like a male?? He was not huge, around 6 ft tall, and quite slim. reddish brown all over, flat face, and that ‘walk’. It seemed like he was putting his toes down before his heel… or something… but he was just so smooth. Anyway, I pulled over right away on the wrong side of the hiway, I was 20 or 30 yards from him, and had a perfect view of his whole body, and profile of his face, he never looked at me, just kept walking calmly toward the forest, never changed his pace. I grabbed my phone, and went after him. There was a 30 yard patch of clear-cut between the hiway and the forest, and he entered the woods at a game trail. I was about 15 seconds behind him. I entered the game trail, the woods were all small trees, and sparse, so I could see for hundreds of yards in all directions. There is no way it could have gotten very far away. As I stood there, looking around, I realized it was probably crouched down, hiding in the underbrush, looking at me !!! Fear immediately came over me, and I got out of there fast. I got my firewood, went back to camp, told everybody about it, and no-one believed me. The next day, another expeditioner found a single print in the gravel exactly where I first saw him standing (I told him where I saw it, near a moose crossing sign). The print was 12 1/2 inches long by 5 inches wide across the toes and at the heel. I took pics, but you could not make them out in the gravel, and not deep enough to cast. when the other expeditioners and BFRO leaders arrived, I told them about it, and again, no-one believed me. This is now the story of my life … no-one believes you … very frustrating. I do not think it was a guy in a suit, I was surprised at how slim it looked, if it was a suit, wow… I think I could see the skin under the hair of his legs, and there was no bagginess etc. anywhere on him, it looked like a real, live ‘creature’. I wanted to say ‘person’ but it wasn’t, it was just different. There are several sightings around that area, I spoke to a man in Sault Ste Marie Ontario, who had a similar road sighting, but he said his was like 8 feet tall and gigantically huge with shoulders 4 feet wide. It crossed the road, and went into a thicket in the woods that a human could not penetrate. I am still hoping for another sighting, but chances are, that was it.