Bigfoot Sighting near Charlotte Mt Holly border, North Carolina


It was a Friday afternoon around 4:30. Traffic was pretty heavy on that road. The weather was clear and pretty. Not many clouds in the sky. We were driving down the road when we passed a power line cut. I noticed a huge, what I thought was a person walking on the service road and tree line. But it was dark almost black from head to toe and my first reaction was what is that person wearing???? And it dawned on me it could be a Bigfoot. I yelled “is that….?” And my son in the backseat yelled simultaneously “Bigfoot!!!!” He has never believed in Bigfoot until that day. We went back the next day and looked for evidence. We didn’t see anything and I did not see anything that could have been mistaken for a Bigfoot. My aunt has had encounters and she lives close by the area.