Bigfoot Sighting near Colebrook, New Hampshire

my wife , adult daughter and i were outside visiting our Granddaughter on route 26 in Colebrook nh where i saw something large walking up a steep hill in a clearing in back of the house, i told my wife to look where we all saw a large black bipedal figure walking up a steep hill without loosing any of its stride displayed no signs of difficulty, its head was domed and had arms down to its knees, it had a very smooth but strange gait to it, 2 other adults came out and saw it, we all had cell phones but were so shocked by what we were seeing we never thought to film or photograph it, we watched it until it entered the Woodline and then it stood in the trees. 2 days later i went up to the spot and the tree was over 8 feet tall that it towered over. i could not even walk up the steep hill without trouble and i stood in a spot where it walked and a family member stayed at our viewing area and i looked small compared to what this thing looked like, i am 6 foot 5 inches tall and i weigh 300lbs,there where impressions in the ground but it rained the day after the sighting. no way this was a person in a suite. 2 of the adults we had witness this thing where skeptics until they saw this thing.

One response to “Bigfoot Sighting near Colebrook, New Hampshire”

  1. Bob

    Really interesting testimonial. Much like hunting, when you least expect it, things happen. I’m an investigator who has been on the forest people quest for 40 + years. I also reside in Coos County and know the cited (general) area well.
    I would like to interview the lucky individual(s) if that is possible.

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