Bigfoot Sighting near Hardy, Virginia

Paranormal activity is suspected because there is no logical explanation for what happened in 2021.
It did not happen in 2022 for a strange lack of “product”…but there will be plenty this year, so I believe this will happen again.
I wonder if you might have any interest to investigate. A local Shaman said that it was Big Foot who did this.

We live in Hardy on several acres off a “no outlet” road. We know the land and our neighbors. No one could have entered our property to pull this off without us knowing. No known animal behaves in this manner.

In late September, 2021, I walked the property as I regularly do and saw at least 400 pears in our 25+ foot pear tree.
“Yummy”, I thought, “they’re not ripe yet and will probably start to drop in a week or so.” Every year since 2015 I have been collecting pears over a two month period as they slowly drop to the ground. I’d go every day and always see something on the ground…. many partially eaten…some with ants…some whole and beautiful. Starting in late September, each day there would be more and more to gather …eventually finding many over-ripe and smashed by late November.

So, after about three/four days, I went on my property check and walked over to the pear tree. I expected to see hundreds of un-ripened pears. I didn’t see one pear in the tree. Nothing way up top, either. I looked all over the ground. Not one…not a stem…nothing partially eaten….not a damn thing! Very unusual! Not even a family of raccoons could have pulled this off. No vehicle came here …no cherry picker to reach the top. No broken branches. Deer can’t reach that high. They weren’t even ripe. My neighbor thinks it’s Big Foot or some other strange creature. How do at least 400 pears disappear from a 25+ foot tree in a few days?

The following year I set up a trail cam, but here’s the thing…The tree, for the first time, only had maybe a dozen blooms at the very top (which equates to maybe a dozen pears). I thought it odd and radiation exposure came to mind. Though it was a year, I did a radiation test and got nothing.
The camera caught a few deer now and then. Oddly some photos came out with a color-static pattern …as if something electro-magnetic was interfering with the camera. Then pics would be good, then again, some with that blurring color static pattern (don’t know what else to call it).

This year the tree was full of thousands of blooms – and hundreds of pears have begun to develop. A Shaman (this Spring) told me that Big Foot took them and that I should verbally and mentally say to it “The rule is you are only allowed to take half”, because that is what the American Indians set up with them. So I did – saying it, plus “I know the rule, you know the rule, I know you know the rule and you know I know the rule.” A week or so later, I noticed that it seemed like half the pear were gone …and they where only the size of a quarter and nowhere near ripe. Also, they are not in clusters as usual, but spread out in singles.

I’m setting up my trail cam again – maybe I’ll get static again, maybe not. Perhaps more equipment is needed to catch what the heck is going on.
I have researched a little on this and have found similar stories, but folks come up with the most illogical explanations like deer or raccoon.
Nope, no way, no how.

Thanks for any feedback and/or interest.