Bigfoot Sighting near Jackson, California


I had gone to cali. to pick up my daughter from my ex wife to bring her home to Idaho for the summer.We left at 1200 midnight to beat the heat and to arrive in Idaho at around 1 0r 2 in the afternoon the next day MyX lived in Sonora so we took Hiway 49 to Jackson and east on hi way 88 over kit Carson around the 5000 foot level and at about 1:30am I was comeing around a hair pin turn in the hi way my window was down and I wasn't going very fast and could hear this caterwauling sound on the flat above the hi way maybe 40 feet above I could hear it but couldn't make it out but sounded kinda like high pitched laughter I rounded the corner and on the right was a guard rail and in the head lights I saw at first what I thought was human stepping over the guard rail and looking at me as it walked out in the hi way.I remember thinking what are you doing walking right out in front of me!!as I got closer and had to slow down I got a good look at a female OLD Sasquatch covered in hair and a very light colored brownish grayish color and UGLY scary and looking right at me as it crossed the Hiway I locked my door and told my now awake daughter to lock hers. As soon as the thing crossed the hi way I stomped on it this thing was about 7 foot tall unkept shaggy looking.I had my door locked window rolled up in warp speed time …It gave me a very peculiar feeling and my brain was trying to process it at the same time knowing that I was looking at something I had never seen before.At that time I was a packer and hunting guide in Idaho and have seen every Rocky Mountain animal known to man. I have spent my whole life in the mountains hunting and horse /Mule packing.I have worked for 3 different Outfitters here in Idaho! What I saw that night was nothing I have ever seen in the wilderness It wasn't human but yet not completely animal! We topped Carson pass and down to Carson City got us a couple of egg Mc muffins and on to IDAHO! My daughter asking me what do you think it was?? I said I DON"T KNOW EXCEPT IT WAS SASQUATCH. She said it was so ugly Lol yes it was. at the end of summer in the day light we stopped at the place on the way back were we saw it I went to the guard rail and climbed over the guard rail on the other side was up to my chest .I saw that thing step over it I had to climb over it and it disappeared up the bank on the other side of the hi way like it was level ground I would have had to crawl up that bank with at least one rest stop! there were no other cares or people that we passed or saw this was well up into the national forest above Jackson Ca.look for a sweeping hairpin curve with an out side guard rail and steep bank on the other side!