Bigfoot Sighting near Washburn, Maine

Went solo camping up to a pretty remote spot in north Maine. With all the tall trees, I felt like I could maybe catch a glimpse of that legendary creature that's been on my mind for years.

I set up camp near a cool stream, surrounded by the chorus of night critters. The air was crisp, carrying that sweet scent of pine that makes you feel alive.

In the silence of the night, I strained my ears, listening for any unusual sounds. Every snap of a twig, every hoot from an owl, I paid attention to it all. And then, I heard it—a series of heavy thuds and branches snapping, coming from the nearby thicket.

My heart started racing as I held my breath. And there it was, in the darkness—a massive, shadowy figure standing tall among the trees. It had to be at least eight feet, covered in hair from head to toe, radiating power and presence.

I was in awe as the creature moved with this crazy grace, blending into the thick undergrowth. I reached for my camera, desperate to capture this mind-blowing moment. But by the time I got it ready, the beast disappeared into the deep forest, leaving me dumbfounded.

For the rest of that night, I replayed the encounter over and over in my head, relishing the insane connection I felt.

Since that epic night, I've dedicated my life to searching for Bigfoot. I've explored countless forests, talked to other folks who've seen the creature, and collected all sorts of evidence. Skeptics can say what they want, but I'm standing strong in my belief.

Maine is a place where legends come to life. And for those of us who believe, there's always that chance of an epic encounter with Bigfoot—a creature that's hiding in the depths of the forest, just waiting for us to stumble upon it.

2 responses to “Bigfoot Sighting near Washburn, Maine”


    i too once was a skeptic ; but now im a firm believer as i have found alot possible bigfoot evidence like : 2 unusual tepee like tree stuctures and various sizes of x markings in the southern part of new hampshire and maine as well.

  2. Billy Cavazza

    About thirty years ago I was hunting along a large stream heading North. After about a mile up I veered East and started a long uphill climb. I was following a small stream back to the area where our vehicle was parked. About a mile up the hill I was deep in a Cedar stand. So thick that I had to push through the thick growth. Suddenly there was a smell in the air. As bad as toting flesh. Not unusual for animals to be decomposing in the wild. A few more steps and then a very large stone came through the cedars and landed very close to me. It was a stone that I could barely move it let alone throw it. Understand this, I did not see anything, hear anything. Forward to 2023.November, after much research, I went back up to that area. As I lost my hunting partner in 2001 “ My Father” I had only been back up there perhaps three times since he left me. After talking with a couple of bear guides I was aware that I was not the only person to have an experience in that part of Maine. Also had a conversation with someone that has a camp in the same area. She told me that she and her brother owned quite a large section of land there. Her Brother was awakened in the middle of the night by loud screaming ans other loud noises. He didn’t go outside at all. I’m curious as to what it was. I will be going back to the area this winter armed with my large size handgun,a very good camera and a large drone to work the area. I go alone. No cell service. No electricity just miles of logging roads that were were built very well . No, I’m not afraid. Not afraid of anything. I will post again when I’m finished with my trip.

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